Ways employers can more for less demanding

by lottoinisrael

The mantra is timeless: So much time and so little to do. The solution, fortunately, has evolved over the years. For owners and managers, there was a time when the increase in the top bar, allowing workers harder it is the only way to get results was.

Employees and non-confrontational administrators can create a collective sigh of relief. Faced with the new techniques, technologies and philosophies of labor, many companies recognize that the best way to get more is less demanding.

Sounds impossible? Here are three ways to change the workplace are more productive and less stressful, all at once.

A. Mix clock signal

The oldest piece of technology in your office is probably his clock. It’s a miracle, many offices still follow the rules of productivity, which is as old as, well, time.

“The week traditional 9-to-5 job is just that,” writes Ilja Pozin employer Inc., “traditional, a relic from another time, when the number of hours an employee is enrolled in an online production is a simple way to improve productivity to be measured. “

The modern worker is not working, and we set Pozin hurt productivity now a day’s work for an old way of doing support.

“The fact is,” he wrote, “gives employees complete freedom to come and go as they please in production and productivity.”

The reason Pozin said, is that the act of observation is a clock chip trust between employer and employee, and to start a distraction. It is also bad for teamwork and reduces productivity.

Can you imagine a way of working to keep the 9-to-5 think actively increase the productivity of your business? Otherwise, the clock drag the window in order.

Second Non applications. Hand tools.

The technology has not changed the type of work with your staff to do, but the way to do it. Instead of just a task and a deadline to keep the latest productivity tools help employees more – a better way to work.

There are many productivity applications and gadgets, such as the kinds of tasks will be to help and to be able to sift through the latest and the best of them will increase production at its headquarters. For example, Mashable recommends Doxie scanner as equipment go into the offices to support, Dragon Dictate dictation or voice recognition software for OmniFocus as digital project manager.

In addition to the applications, the development of social networks across sectors and companies to improve productivity in the workplace. An example Doximity is a network of doctors allows doctors to share information.

“Instead of relying on faxes and office staff,” writes Byron Acohido USA Today “[The doctors] online technologies for publishing and sharing the use in their daily activities. Last are the same types of systems that young people use the Internet to friendship and a chronicle of daily life to promote. “

The trend is spreading. Acohido said that the network of the labor market will increase dramatically. And why not?

“Companies with squeeze more productivity workers, which in turn are increasingly Internet cloud services and mobile devices to work from virtually any location are obsessed,” he wrote. “Meanwhile, social media technologies are readily available, and building relationships online has become the mainstream.”

Third Mention your management Zen

Here is one that can be difficult for managers Type A: Only cold. But as Jim Benson, a developer of visualization technique called “Personal Kanban” said Fast Company, is an effective way to work towards a goal too much to the neck of their employees to fill.

“[W] hen the more work than they can handle, which is crazy,” said Benson. As in the famous chocolate factory scene from “I Love Lucy” knowledge workers can not do a good job, if pushed beyond his capacity. “[S] i is beyond my abilities,” he said, “I use the tool – the brains – .. And I’m stuck with a lower quality of work slower, but if you want me one or two things to give concentrate, I am for things, and better quality work faster. “

This does not necessarily mean less work for the staff. It just means something that can handle what he was given at a time, then the knowledge of the true capacity of the individual.

“I want you to understand that if we philosophically, when in fact creating an environment where people can meet,” said Benson. ” Is intrinsically motivated and fix things quickly begin for you “

This is good news for those who feel like their personal productivity. Re-Imagining the traditional workday, so the worker productivity tools and provides employees with a working load office transform various ways – including labor would increase not possible.

improve productivity